Offered courses

Offered courses at my Atelier



You are interested in sewing but do not know where to start or simply do not have the necessary machines for your project?
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with me. All below courses take place at my Atelier: 

Single lesson:
No matter of you are a beginner or advanced, in this course I help you to find and develop your ideas, make the pattern or chose from my sources, find the matching materials and trimmings. The course adjusts to your needs and your project.
1h=30€ +material costs


Open workshop:
In this course, you are free to use my machines and tools. Open questions will be answered by me and I am happy to guide and assist when needed.
(due to a lack of space currently only 1-2 participants possible)


You didn’t find the right course for yourself, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Planned coursed:

Screen printing (planned for end of summer 2024)
Let’s develop your own screen and print your own clothes or fabric. The printed screens can be purchased if desired and used endlessly by you at home.